There is substantial value to establishing a UK-wide framework that enables more effective local authority engagement with ...
We are now accepting proposals for presentations at the 2025 Annual Conference which will be held in person at RUSI’s ...
As part of Labour’s Plan for Change the UK government has added technology to its global science and innovation network. To ...
"Furthermore, SWIFT is essentially a European entity and thus the US will need EU acquiescence in order to deliver this reintegration commitment. It seems unlikely that the EU will provide sanctions ...
The US is becoming divorced from European values. That's difficult [for Europeans] to swallow because it means that it's structural, cultural and potentially long-term. I think the current trajectory ...
Bosnia's Serb separatist leaders have crossed a line – offering both a serious threat and a rare opportunity for domestic ...
This paper examines the digital defence technology priorities of five key European countries – the UK, France, Germany, ...
How the United States chooses to shift the burdens of the war onto Europe will shape what the Europeans can accomplish. Much depends on whether the United States wants Ukraine to be able to continue ...
The main reason why sanctions are imposed on Russia is to help Ukraine. Sanctions work, but it is difficult for the EU to adapt them due to bureaucratic mechanisms. Russia has the opportunity to find ...
Come a ceasefire in Ukraine, the border to Europe’s East will remain a line of tension with no end in sight, necessitating ...
Season 2 of 'Talking Strategy' is sponsored by Military Strategy Magazine. Military Strategy Magazine publishes peer reviewed articles on important topics of military strategy from leading minds, such ...
Increasingly, skills relevant to defence are also sought by the private sector. As we are seeing in Ukraine, technology is having a major impact on the battlefield. It in certainly disrupting the way ...