China National Committee on Ageing (CNCA) was established as a government body in 1982 following the First World Assembly on Ageing. With over twenty members, it produces policies for an ageing ...
(opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) Copy At HelpAge, we are committed to ensuring the dignity, safety, and rights of older people in all ...
The renewed fighting in Gaza has brought yet another devastating blow to civilians and the critical systems they depend on.
Severe shortages of food, medicine, and power are putting lives at risk. HelpAge and partners call for immediate humanitarian access to prevent further suffering.
(opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) Copy Argentina has taken the lead in proposing this resolution, with backing from Brazil, the Gambia, ...
(opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) Copy In March, as the world gathers in New York for the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of ...
HelpAge's Gender Policy Adviser, Tanvi Patel, shares her vision for strengthening gender equality for older women across our work. Gender equality is pivotal for achieving HelpAge’s mission, as it ...
Response to the call issued by the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons (February 2025) ...
Cada 8 de marzo, conmemoramos el Día Internacional de la Mujer, una fecha emblemática para reflexionar sobre los avances logrados y los desafíos pendientes en la lucha por la equidad de género. En ...
Entendiendo el contexto, algunos estudios o mediciones sobre uso de dispositivos tecnológicos y acceso a internet, demuestran un aumento importante en el porcentaje de personas que tienen acceso a ...