This, from Castlegar RCMP Cpl. Brett Turner, in response to recent complaints: Every year, thousands of Canadians fall victim to fraud, losing millions of dollars. Most don’t think it could happen to ...
Youth participants at Community Futures Boundary -Front to back: Lindsay Barrington, Tammy McRitchie, Faryn Ross, Samantha Lockhart, Chris Piper; Photo, submitted. Community Futures Boundary runs the ...
Last night I attended an information meeting about the changes coming to Canada Post. I was very disappointed that only 31 people attended the meeting – six of those were the guest presenters – ...
Interior Health’s next virtual career fair will be held Tue., March 12 beginning at 9 a.m. PDT. This fair will be aimed at all positions in Interior Health (IH). Those interested in attending can book ...
“We want to talk and meet and learn and vote” was chanted around Gyro Park, last Friday as water metre protester made their message clear via picket signs, speeches, a song and chanting. The group met ...
A man for whom police have been searching for months is now behind bars, according to RCMP Cpl. Kelly Hall (non-commissioned officer in charge of the Crime Reduction Unit). “As a result of information ...
Recently three prominent conservation organizations: Ducks Unlimited, Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation and the Nature Trust of B.C. were highly critical of the B.C. Liberal Government’s agenda of ...
Next week Spotlight Films presentsStories We Tell, a documentary that dissects reality. Award winning writer/director, (and amazing actress, The Sweet Hereafter, Road to Avonlea, Dawn of the Dead), ...
The RDKB animal control officer will be able to do more than these signs do for dog owners who don’t follow the rules — he’ll be able to ticket them too under the new fine system in the new RDKB bylaw ...
If you stop to think about it, we’re all storytellers. When you’re talking on the phone with your Uncle Bob and telling him about your latest camping trip, you’re probably trying to tell the story in ...
Food security has become an increasingly common topic in the news and in conversations over the last five years. Locally, people have gotten behind the new agriculture projects such as the community ...
Will the new Builders Code help women and other minorities survive in the trades? Time will tell. Race and gender still provoke ostracism, bullying, harassment, hazing … call it what you will, it is ...