This is Fat Tuesday, and in the Ohio Valley it is celebrated with Paczkis! That delectable pastry is a long-time staple at ...
Stop it! He’s already dead!” screamed the Simpsons character to the other Simpsons character who was beating up the 76ers with a hammer.
Bakers Dozen Bake Shop in South Bend is one of the only traditional Polish bakeries. Normally, they’re not open on Tuesdays. But they made sure to stay open today for Fat Tuesday to sell some Paczkis.
It’s all in honor of Fat Tuesday, which is held the day before Ash Wednesday in preparation of Lent. Groovy Donuts in East Lansing was one of many donut shops preparing orders of paczkis for the ...
Lent is a 40-day period preceding Easter Sunday where people from all denominations of Christianity practice self-sacrifice ...
In honor of Mardi Gras, Bashas' spent the entire morning whipping up some Paczkis. They're a popular Polish donut eaten ...
The doors of Northwest Suburban bakeries were given quite a workout Tuesday morning. A steady stream of customers left with ...
Mari Gras means Paczki Day in Wisconsin. Get a delicious Paczki at Simple Simon Bakery in Appleton. Since 1967, Simple Simon ...
A food that many have come to know and love and consume once a year enjoys its time in the spotlight today. The paczek, ...
Jacob Soba devours 9.5 paczkis in five minutes to win the Bad Axe Paczki-Eating Contest after a five-year hiatus.