It's been one month since Nevada suspended its cage-free law, paving the way for other egg varieties to be sold. Has it helped bring egg prices down and increase supply? Channel 13 is following up.
Nevada Representative Mark Amodei has reintroduced a bill that would allow for the conveyance and disposal of federal lands ...
Nearly 1,100 bills met the deadline to be considered by the 2025 Nevada Legislature. They must get a hearing by April 11 or ...
A new bill introduced in the Nevada State Legislature seeks to enhance the state's mental health crisis hotline (988) and ...
As previously reported, on November 15, 2024, Nevada adopted heat illness prevention regulation R131-24AP, aiming to protect workers from ...
A senior US animal health official has urged calmness over recent academic findings suggesting that ageing may not eliminate ...
Rep. Mark Amodei issued the following statement Tuesday following the reintroduction of the Northern Nevada Economic Development and Conservation Act, which will allow for the conveyance and disposal ...
Representative Mark Amodei has reintroduced the Northern Nevada Economic Development and Conservation Act, aiming to ...
To boost businesses for restaurants and curb the number of intoxicated drivers on the roads, Nevada lawmakers are considering ...
The transfer portal opens today for men’s basketball and Washington is sure to be heavily involved in the process yet again.
In an update yesterday on scientific investigations related to H5N1 avian flu activity, the Centers for Disease Control and ...
NEVADA, IOWA / ACCESS Newswire / March 18 ... further enhances data collection with the integration of the ALMACO D1 Data Collection Unit. This technology provides real-time weight and moisture ...