Conservative legislators are increasingly speaking out against the Supreme Court’s landmark 2015 ruling on same-sex marriage ...
Oxford, called on conservatives to reassert the “sovereignty of Christ as our King,” and “restore the order of the family." ...
Emboldened by the federal government’s rightward shift, lawmakers in some states want to revoke marriage equality. A group of ...
Hodges, the 2015 case that found state bans against same-sex marriage unconstitutional. At a press conference Tuesday, ...
some state legislators and county leaders are pushing the envelope even further, seeking to eliminate rights for people they ...
Idaho introduced a resolution that is now one of at least nine measures put forward to chip away at same-sex marriage across ...
The Church of England has always held that the traditional conjugal view of marriage is one that was instituted by God ...
The Supreme Court's most conservative justice has called for the court to revisit the decision establishing the right to same-sex marriage.