If you took introductory physics, you learned about the “fundamental forces.” It goes something like this: All interactions ...
Scientists are investigating how structures made from several layers of graphene stack up in terms of their fundamental physics and their potential as reconfigurable semiconductors for advanced ...
Researchers show that Cartan's First Structure Equation, which relates to edge and screw dislocations in crystal lattices, can be recast in the same form as a basic mathematical formula that governs ...
These observations, first made by Philipp Lenard in 1902, gave a startling twist to the story! The mystery was finally resolved by Albert Einstein in 1905, while working as a clerk in the Swiss Patent ...
Scientists have unlocked a way to read magnetic orientation at record-breaking speeds using terahertz radiation. Modern hard ...
The film discusses the historical development and principles of electrodynamics, starting with Luigi Galvani's chance ...
With today's data rates of only a few hundred megabytes per second, access to digital information remains relatively slow.
NASA’s Perseverance rover recorded unusual sounds as a Martian dust devil passed directly over the robotic vehicle in 2021, and we now know they came from electrical activity in the storm ...
The Analyzer for Cusp Electrons (ACE) is designed to measure electron activity in the region of the northern magnetospheric ...
New research from materials scientist Chris Van de Walle illuminates the path to superior electro-optic performance in ...
A team of researchers led by Colorado State University graduate student Luke Wernert and Associate Professor Hua Chen has ...