Chennai Police Cyber Crime Wing handled 2,732 complaints, made 63 arrests, froze Rs.36.63 crore, and reverted Rs.12.31 crore to victims.
They were also running a website to lure their victims. The men were promised ₹50000 even if they failed to impregnate women ...
Rajasthan Police arrests 30 cyber fraudsters in Jaipur, seizing evidence of ₹30 crore frauds in ongoing Operation Cyber ...
Police arrested two Airtel employees for allegedly supplying virtual numbers to Indonesian and Chinese fraudsters.
Hubballi: Thanks to extensive measures taken by the police department to alert people regarding online fraud, cybercrime ...
Jaipur police on Saturday arrested 30 people and detained two minors during raids at 10 locations in connection with a Rs 30 crore cuber fraud case, officials said. Transactions in 130 bank accounts ...
Cyber fraudsters spend time understanding psychological vulnerabilities of their targets, such as fear, greed or curiosity, ...
A total of 18 people are now in custody. The gang operated across several states, defrauding victims of crores. Authorities ...
An elderly man in Middleton has been scammed out of hundreds of thousands of pounds after being exploited by a contractor.
Protect your personal and financial information by practicing good cyber hygiene! Neil Shultz, Fraud Watch Network Volunteer ...
SMB vendors will likely need to set aside time to develop a plan of action to satisfy evolving cyber insurance mandates.