The National Forest Service warned that smoke from planned burns could be visible as far as Interstate 17 near Flagstaff.
Fire managers with the Coconino National Forest and Kaibab National Forest will continue working on local prescribed fire ...
The Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management and the Coconino National Forest will burn about 1,700 acres southwest ...
The U.S. Forest Service is conducting a controlled green waste burn at Willard Springs to reduce wildfire risks.
Fire managers will set pile burns around the Flagstaff Ranger District. They will burn piles of forest debris usually after ...
The Coconino National Forest announced that it would continued its prescribed fire activity on the Crater Sinks (West Fork) ...
The project will construct a new 13.7-mile transmission line between the communities of McGuireville and Oak Creek, and it ...
Firefighters will set prescribed burns southwest of Flagstaff to offset wildfire risk during extremely dry conditions in the Coconino National Forest. The Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire ...