Lottie is a 3-year-old, 22-pound poodle mix. She was rescued with several severe injuries, including a broken jaw. After ...
Have you ever sat on the couch, bed, or perhaps at your desk with a furball purring peacefully on your lap and wondered to ...
Recently, my husband and I bought our first home, and after 16 years of apartment living, we knew we needed to find a ...
"This is Black Bean. His toxic trait is he desperately wants attention. Yells for it constantly. But when the humans try to ...
Why would your cat want to keep tabs on you? Possibly, he likes to know when you’re getting up to feed him something, or ...
Mix together equal parts of water and vinegar, cover the spot with the mixture, and let it soak to kill bacteria. For extra ...
Owner Julie Nashawaty told Newsweek that elderly feline Luna hasn't left her side since she returned from a vacation.
Domestic cats have been living alongside humans for an estimated 10,000 years, first as rodent control and then as the ...
Emily Anthes is a science reporter who writes Pet Theory, a column about our creature companions. When my husband and I took our cat to the vet early last year, we were hoping to hear that we had ...
Couch co-op and split-screen tend to be associated with consoles as the terms conjure images of friends playing Mario Party and Crash Team Racing on a TV, but PC owners have plenty of options as well.
If you have a cat, you have likely suffered the indignity of a scratched couch or chair. One person on Reddit showed off an innovative way to deal with pet damage. A crafty pet owner stirred up quite ...
WE FOUND OUR CATS. SO WE’RE BLESSED ... As the sun came up, Michael ran into Quigley as she was trying to salvage what she could. She was sleeping on the couch when the tornado came through Ada. Video ...