If you should ever get the chance to hike a volcano, you should do it. Here's why. The post Hiking Guatemala’s Acatenango ...
As excited gasps from others filled the air, the couple only caught the aftermath of a spectacular event that erupted behind ...
A video capturing the nerve-wracking moment hikers in Guatemala were evacuated on Sunday from the Acatenango volcano as the Volcán de Fuego erupted nearby has gone viral on TikTok. The clip was ...
This is the terrifying moment a group of hikers on top of the Acatenango volcano in Guatemala are forced to evacuate on March ...
A hiker’s trip to view Guatemala’s Volcan de Fuego was abruptly cut short when the volcano began to erupt, sending large plumes of ash and lava high into the air on Sunday, March 9.The eruption came ...
Ante la actividad eruptiva del volcán de Fuego y los Colosos de Pacaya y Santiaguito, el Sistema de la Coordinadora Nacional ...
La Conred de la INSIVUMEH juega un papel crucial en el monitoreo y la emisión de alertas tempranas frente a la actividad ...