POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
Excessive itching may signal an underlying issue. Learn about common dog allergies, symptoms, and treatment options for ...
Chronic itching can signal serious health issues. Learn how to identify the cause and get the right treatment for your furry friend.
If your dog is licking their paws non-stop, it might seem like a harmless habit but it could be a red flag for a bigger ...
Allergic pets often suffer from secondary bacterial or yeast (Malassezia) infections, which can worsen skin conditions ... “Certain dog breeds such as pit bulls, bulldogs, and shepherds ...
Lumps on your dog's paw or between their toes have many causes, including infections, irritation, allergies, friction, injury, and cancer.
Overbathing strips your dog's skin of natural ... for bacteria and yeast to throw a party. Moisture trapped in the ear canal creates the perfect environment for infections, especially in dogs ...
“If your dog suffers from skin or ear infections, your vet will be able ... they can trap moisture and warmth in the ear canal, causing yeast and bacteria to thrive when there is no circulating ...
“If your dog suffers from skin or ear infections, your vet will be able to advise you ... Since they have large ears, they can trap moisture and warmth in the ear canal, causing yeast and bacteria to ...
While this product won’t treat a yeast infection, Vagisil Maximum Strength Anti-Itch Creme aims to help relieve itching, burning, and skin irritation, which are common symptoms of yeast infections.