One of the premier throwing weapons of the Indian Subcontinent, the Chakram is a sharpened disc-like ring with a dull edge on ...
The American president has injected a disorienting volatility into the world economy, leaving it off balance as people wonder what he’ll do next. “It’s chaotic, especially compared to the way we saw ...
Maybe we can, maybe we can't, but I think we have a very good chance," the US president said, having warned on Friday that World War Three could "very easily" erupt if peace talks failed.
Today VIVERSE, the spatial computing platform by HTC, launched VIVERSE Worlds: the go-to platform for hosting and sharing 3D content online. Just like YouTube did for video, VIVERSE Worlds makes 3D ...
Since 1973, Freedom House has assessed the condition of political rights and civil liberties around the world. It is used on a regular basis by policymakers, journalists, academics, activists, and ...