Before lending his voice to Rorschach in Watchmen Chapter 1 ... and what he thinks of Zack Snyder's movie. Welliver recently told CBR about the moment he found out that the part of Rorschach ...
Snyder’s Watchmen was a movie, so it would’ve been difficult ... s superheroes and were just as critical to its story. From ...
The character designs for the Watchmen movie were nearly flawless Doctor Manhattan, Rorschach, and the Comedian all looked like they stepped off the page into the real world, and even the ones ...
Watchmen Chapter I was released last August, ending with Rorschach being arrested ... Hasan was more impressed after Chapter II, calling both movies a “richly rewarding excursion into one ...
His works have defined the world of comics for decades. Strictly speaking, Watchmen: Chapter II begins with Rorschach in prison undergoing evaluation and profiling by psychologist Dr. Malcolm Long.