A former sergeant at Pender Correctional Institution pled guilty Thursday to committing perjury before a federal grand jury ...
In a news release sent out last October, the Department of Corrections said Hooper planned to retire in September 2025.
It’s been a little over two weeks since the correction officer strike ended. It resulted in more than 2,000 officers being ...
Two officers said Wargo also participated in the assault striking the inmate with a baton. Another said he saw Wargo standing ...
Officials say, Richard Wago, pled guilty today to lying under oath before a federal grand jury in an assault investigation.
Two separate incidents, within a 36-hour span, put several young corrections officers to the test at the Armstrong County ...
A small group of women who were formerly incarcerated at FCI Dublin voluntarily turned their teal T-shirts around on Tuesday ...
Eight total employees of the Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center (DRDC) are on leave, the DOC confirmed to 9NEWS ...
As the first season of NBC's thriller The Hunting Party barrels toward its season finale (April 7), one season-long character ...
Eric Patino, a 29-year-old Hammond resident, is charged in LaPorte Superior Court 2 with multiple felonies, including Level 2 ...