Bob and Rosalie were devoted disciples of Jesus Christ and were ... Bob regularly attended Algoma United Methodist Church and, in late 2022, met fellow congregant Susan Sandstrom.
Meeting Needs, Making Change, and Magnifying Christ! This has been the core value of the Union Gospel Mission for 75 amazing ...
In the gospel of Mark there is a profound scene where Jesus calls four of his apostles. This scene is the essence of what ...
I admit it. It is one of the things that drives me up a wall. “Jesus, being God in human form, knew the future.” Let’s run ...
Information: Greenfield Christian Church (Disciples of Christ ... be streamed on Facebook live at “Willow Branch UMC.” The church is at 6244 N. Thomas St., Willow ...
the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Presbyterian Church (USA), the United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church ...
Welcome to the Faculty of Arts, a dynamic community of students, faculty and staff working in and across the humanities, social sciences, and fine, performing and media arts. Through our diverse range ...
576 Martin Luther King Dr.