A smooch for my pooch. 3. How is this for some tail-wagging fun? 4. I rescued this little fur ball, and now he thinks I'm a ...
Scientists used laser sensors to study how dogs' brains react to smells. Findings may change health and rescue work.
Aside from obedience, training your dog is about bonding, having fun, and keeping them mentally sharp. It doesn’t matter if ...
A pioneering study investigating the brain activity of dogs during scent detection has unveiled crucial insights into their ...
The Belgian Malinois gets a bad rap, mostly because they can be hard to manage if you don't really know what you're doing.
In this week’s “Training Tips and Tricks,” world-renowned animal trainer Joel Slaven shows viewers how to save time and money by trimming dogs’ nails at home.
In a nutshell, the dog parent in question is at their wits’ end and desperate for solutions. And honestly, I totally get it.
The police force says Giant Schnauzers are an athletic breed with great noses, which can help with police work.
In North America, trained dogs inspect watercraft to detect invasive mussels before they catch a ride to new waters. Dogs ...
Service dogs trained in North Carolina prisons are changing lives, not just for the people who need them, but for the inmates who train them.
PORT CLINTON – Oak, the electronics sniffing K-9 police dog, is becoming a key member of the Ottawa County Major Crimes Unit.
From picking up the scent of a potential mate miles away to uncovering an explosive, a dog's nose is always hard at work ...