The girl's father, Kyle Vigneault, 27, was arrested Thursday and charged with first-degree manslaughter, risk of injury to a child and cruelty to persons. Vigneault is being held in lieu of $ ...
Kyle Vigneault, 27, of Norwalk, was arrested Thursday and charged with manslaughter and related crimes approximately eight months after the death of the infant. On June 11, 2024, detectives with ...
À l'image de leur saison parsemée de blessures, les hommes d'Éric Veilleux ont cependant perdu les services du vétéran Benjamin Vigneault dans les dernières minutes de la troisième période.
Art has a funny, powerful way of both capturing and eluding time. Perhaps it expresses the elusiveness of time itself.
Cette soirée d’humour, au profit de la Fondation Charles-Bruneau, mettra en vedette le Plessisvillois Sam Vigneault. Surnommé l’humoriste à l’accordéon, son parcours a été marqué par ...