Kingsroad on PC and mobile devices later this year, Netmarble has released a new video showcasing the three classes of fighters that players will be able to fight as. Watch this new video below to see ...
Steel, shadow, or sheer force—three warriors, three paths, one journey. Will you stand as the realm’s shield like a Knight, ...
George R.R. Martin fears cut character from House of the Dragon could lead to season 3 'butterfly effect' Kit Harington agrees Game of Thrones ending was 'rushed' but says he 'didn't have another ...
No one is an island, and getting through any time of hardship requires friends, family (chosen or otherwise ... power better than anyone else on Game of Thrones, having fought his way to the ...
New trailer reveals three playable classes Choose from the Knight, Sellsword, and Assassin Each class is inspired by roles ...
After the success of “The Chosen,” Amazon and Netflix are converting Bible stories into films and TV shows with “Game of ...
Sweepstakes winners are chosen at random. If you want to enter, you can also like and comment on an official sweepstakes social post, or follow Game of Thrones: Legends on Instagram or Facebook.
Throughout its eight seasons, Game of Thrones spawned some of the most memorable episodes in television history.
Game of Thrones is a groundbreaking series with immersive storytelling and powerful dialogues. House of the Dragon reveals the Targaryen civil war's depth and the dragons' history. Watching Game ...
Game of Thrones is full of memorable murders ... Ser Gregor Clegane's servant Weasel strapped the day's chosen victim to a chair, placed a large rat inside a bucket, and then attached the ...