IRS, refund and tax day

Through February 2025, the average tax refund was $3,182. That's a 6.3% increase from the same period in 2024.
The median potential refund nationwide is $781 for 2021. Florida, with 69,800 individuals who did not file, is just below the ...
The IRS warns that an estimated $1 billion in tax refunds from the 2021 tax year may become the property of the U.S. Treasury ...
CNBC Select explains how filing digitally and arranging for direct deposit can speed up your refund by a matter of weeks.
The IRS is warning the public that $1 billion in unclaimed 2021 tax refunds remain because about 1 million taxpayers haven't ...
What's the difference between standard and itemized deductions? Here's what it could mean for your 2025 tax refund.
Some dread doing taxes and wait until the last minute. But millions of others file early to get their tax refunds. What to expect in tax season 2025.
Tax returns are due April 15. If you already filed and are waiting on your refund in Utah, here's how to track the status of ...