The championship golf course in Wellen Park now features white-sand bunkers, coquina shell waste areas, coquina cart paths ...
Beautiful clarinet music filled the Citizens Opera House on opening night of Boston Ballet’s “Swan Lake,” welcoming patrons back to the story just three years after the ballet was last ...
European Royal Classical Ballet will bring Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake” to Southwest Michigan for one performance only at the Lake Michigan College Mendel Center Jenkins Theatre in Benton ...
Dancers in tutus fluttered their arms in a packed theatre resonating with the well-known classical music as Cornell Ballet Club performed their interpretation of Swan Lake’s second act on ...
Miriam Miller, newly promoted to principal at New York City Ballet, is set to make her debut in “Swan Lake.” By Gia Kourlas Elegance has a way of pouring out of Miriam Miller. Her arms open ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Rehearsing “Swan Lake” a few weeks ago in a sweaty studio, trying to iron out some last-minute kinks, ballerina Unity Phelan stopped just before launching into the famed 32 ...
At its heart, Swan Lake has always been about birds. In a way, that’s still true – at the National Ballet of Canada, the piece is defined as much by its feathers as it is by its dancing.
Read full article: Michigan State Police, Coast Guard rescue dog from ice Hiroki-San, which is located at the Book Tower in Detroit, is now offering a tableside omakase experience for guests.
Nathan Ellison / Sun Staff Photographer The Cornell Ballet Club is a new organization on campus this year, and Swan Lake was its first annual performance. I, for one, am glad it was established.
“Swan Lake,” composed by legend Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and originally choreographed by Julius Reisinger, tells the story of ...