Famed physicist Stephen Hawking took gravity to its ultimate limits. In doing so, he made a number of significant ...
The recent discovery of a stupendously powerful neutrino has left scientists scratching their heads. New research suggests it ...
Famed physicist Stephen Hawking took gravity to its ultimate ... any theory of everything must be able to explain the riddle posed by Hawking radiation, or the slippery nature of cosmic inflation.
A high-energy neutrino detected by an underwater observatory in February 2025 may provide the first real evidence supporting ...
Researchers May Have Found Evidence of Stephen Hawking's 'Unproven Primordial Black Hole Theory' at the Bottom of the Sea ...
Black holes may be growing faster than they are currently evaporating. But this will not go on forever!
Our current best theories of the universe suggest that dark energy is making it expand faster and faster, but new ...