Fujitsu and TU Delft have collaborated to build a diamond-based quantum chip with record low error rates of 0.1 percent.
Scholars at the School of Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have unveiled an ...
UC Riverside and its partners are exploring antiferromagnetic spintronics, a tech that could unlock lightning-fast, ...
The launch includes single and multiplayer racing with up to 24 players and bots, three courses, five tracks among those courses, a remake of the Wreckfest sandpit map, and a big ...
In theory, as Earth spins through its magnetic field, any conductive material placed on its surface should experience a force ...
USTC researchers created a long-lived Schrödinger-cat state, boosting quantum metrology and precision measurements. Their ...
A team of researchers affiliated with UNIST has succeeded in identifying traces of the Kitaev quantum spin liquid (QSL) using ...
The successful realization of a Heisenberg model with nanographenes by Empa researchers enhances understanding of quantum ...
Researchers have experimentally recreated another fundamental theoretical model from quantum physics, which goes back to the Nobel Prize laureate Werner Heisenberg. The basis for the successful ...
In a new publication in Nature Materials, an international team of researchers has developed groundbreaking artificial chains of the iconic "olympicene" molecules to realize the antiferromagnetic (AF) ...
A team of researchers led by Colorado State University graduate student Luke Wernert and Associate Professor Hua Chen has ...