The “Helmholtz resonator” concept explains the frequencies of sound produced by clapping the hands together in different configurations.
The Last Stand," a character claps and sends a shock wave that knocks out an opposing army. Sunny Jung, professor of ...
As a result, researchers are exploring new and novel ways to dial down the volume. They are turning to highly specialized ...
Experience the auditory festival of Sound Sculpting for Sciences, making science accessible through sound for students with ...
Kyoto Prize winners came to San Diego for this year’s symposium. Kyoto Laureate John Pendry talked about the theory of ...
D-Wave’s fresh claim that it has achieved “quantum advantage” has sparked criticism of the company—and of the scientific ...
On January 13, researchers with the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins ... When you shout at your friend across a field, say, the sound waves travel through the air between you two ...
Researchers elucidate the complex physical mechanisms and fluid dynamics involved in a handclap, with potential applications in bioacoustics and personal identification, whereby a handclap could be ...
So far, cloaking has only been studied with waves—such as light or sound waves ... and Thomas Fischer from the Chair of Experimental Physics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Bayreuth ...
Researchers show that Cartan's First Structure Equation, which relates to edge and screw dislocations in crystal lattices, can be recast in the same form as a basic mathematical formula that governs ...