POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
At Sore Paws, they aim to provide the highest standards of customer service and level of care for you and your pet. They treat all small animals, including cats, dogs, small furry pets ...
Forty-nine living and 17 dead dogs were recovered from a Washington Co. breeder. A search warrant application outlines the conditions the dogs were living in.
LETHAL dog disease Alabama rot remains at its height at this time of year, and the disease has been found in Herefordshire in ...
LETHAL dog disease Alabama rot remains at its height at this time of year, and the disease has been found in Herefordshire in recent years.
Mansfield native and sled dog musher Matthew Failor finished his 14th Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race on Saturday night in Nome.
Pennsylvania is one of a few states with a pilot program where patients can avoid skilled nursing stays after the hospital ...
Hundreds of Okotokians recently banded together in a weeklong search for a missing dog. The dog in question was Raven, a year-and-a-half old black lab mix who was taken in by Moe Dog Rescue Mission ...
Weirton Council is working to update its animal cruelty laws, unanimously approving the first reading of a new ordinance Monday. Ward 2 Councilman Ralph Cunningham sponsored the ordinance to amend ...