POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
A: Even though you mentioned that she is not in any physical distress, the most common reasons for a dog not to want to go on walks anymore at her age are medical reasons (1). You did not mention her ...
The first thing you can do at home is just cover the sores and keep him from licking them. Since many of these do not heal as the dog develops a habit of licking them, covering them may be enough to ...
Pat Buck A: Licking often starts out as a reaction to pain, as dogs cannot rub their sore joints with their paws ... and not just the foot, you will probably need to use roll gauze to cover ...
Efficiency? Oh, it works, my feet felt brand new, and I didn’t even have to bribe them with a foot rub. If you’re looking to pamper your tired dogs while protecting them from, I don’t know, government ...
You could become a fan favorite at Orioles games by being one of the beloved condiment hot dog race performers. The Orioles ...
After 42 years of dedicated service, Pocatello mail carrier Lonnie Melton made his final delivery Friday, marking the end of ...
Weirton Council is working to update its animal cruelty laws, unanimously approving the first reading of a new ordinance Monday. Ward 2 Councilman Ralph Cunningham sponsored the ordinance to amend ...
Clogs combine style and comfort. Upgrade your shoe collection this spring after you check out this trendy list — details!
Many patients ready to leave the hospital end up lingering for days or weeks because of a lack of open spots at nursing homes ...