The linen cloth many believe is the burial shroud of Jesus Christ draws thousands of pilgrims during rare public displays ...
The linen cloth many believe is the burial shroud of Jesus Christ draws thousands of pilgrims during rare public displays ...
Founded by the late funeral director Robert Waltrip in 1992, The National Museum of Funeral History houses the history of the ...
Initiatives associated with the liturgical feast of the Shroud of Turin during the Jubilee year, including a 'multimedia ...
(CP) An Italian scientist and his team claim their research shows the Shroud of Turin, a fabric purported to have been Christ's burial garment, may have originated during the time of Jesus's death and ...
As The Strategist’s resident bedding expert, I’ve slept on a lot of different bedding to know that swapping in cooling sheets — whether they’re made of a tighter-weave fabric like percale ...
Shroud’s very own tactical shooter, Spectre Divide, is officially shutting down merely six months after it launched. Player count struggles are also leading to the closure of its development ...
Red Cross has taken bodies of Colvin and Ochlik to embassies in Damascus Veteran war journalist Colvin was killed during shelling in Homs last week ...