Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Micrometer-sized, flower-shaped structures made of a nickel-iron alloy can locally enhance magnetic fields by concentrating field lines at their center. The ...
In 2013, I was conducting experiments to measure seafloor carbon cycling in the Clarion-Clipperton zone of the Pacific Ocean in 2013. I deployed a lander system (a remote-operated platform used to ...
The body demanded the immediate reversal of the emergence rule, which it said “is a gross violation of the Nigerian Constitution.” Chairman of the PDP BoT and former Senate President ...
Ji et al. identify an idiopathic generalised epilepsy network that links heterogeneously distributed brain abnormalities to a common brain network and deep brain stimulation sites which reduce ...
When it’s time to breed, they usually return to where life began. And that’s where the magnetic plates come into play. Remarkably and unbeknown to scientists until now, a recent study headed by ...
The lobate shape of lymphatic endothelial cells puzzled researchers—now they’ve found it helps stabilize lymphatic capillaries against fluid pressure changes.