Issuing advice for approaching seal pups on their website, the Scottish SPCA said: "If you see a seal or pup on the beach, always maintain a safe distance, keep children away and put dogs on leads.
Many will be beginning to gather offshore ahead of the nesting season. Seals will also be rearing their pups at this time of year, while porpoises and other cetaceans can be found in these waters.
Video captured near a Northern California beach shows the first scientific documentation of coyotes preying on harbor seal pups. Researchers at The University of California Santa Cruz captured ...
Researchers are trying to unlock the mystery of how grey seal pups on Sable Island develop the capacity to survive their first year. After all, the odds are very much against these cute ...
A seal pup found dragging more than 7ft (2m) of rope around its neck has been saved. British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) for Yorkshire and Lincolnshire rescued the four-month old grey seal ...
The Mystic Aquarium says Chappy the gray seal suffered from a condition in which his intestines were twisted, cutting off the ...
Researchers are trying to unlock the mystery of how grey seal pups on Sable Island develop the capacity to survive their first year. After all, the odds are very much against these cute, furry blobs.