Of all the brilliant phrases that make people look more competent than they actually are, "We can circle back at a later date ...
Norman Regional Health System voted to remain independent on Monday after looking for a possible partnership with another ...
Jim Davis told professors he’ll share their concerns with lawmakers about proposals that would increase oversight on curricula and hiring. Elsewhere on campus, former UT-Austin President Jay Hartzell ...
Money Talks columnist Darnell Mayberry shares how collecting inspirational quotes motivates him to overcome procrastination ...
The move puts at risk the jobs of employees who work on initiatives of DEI, or diversity, equity and inclusion. It's unclear how many staffers will be affected.
Come this March 25/Ramadan 24, tens of thousands of souls from all over the globe but mainly in Malaysia will observe an hour ...
In this article, we explore  with research assistance from AI 15 famous quotes from notable leaders across a wide spectrum of industries.
Glaucoma UK is delighted to announce the winners of this year's Excellence in Glaucoma Care Awards – Alex Gage Family ...
He advises governments and teaches at the elite Stanford University. Historian Niall Ferguson explains why he believes Donald ...
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute is terminating a $505,000 STEM grant that was supposed to support an "Inclusive ...
The federal government is trying to put the entire private university into a state of receivership, Austin Sarat writes.
“The world is being inundated by the brazen conviction that power can do anything, justice nothing,” the man who had spent ...