Evacuation orders were issued early Tuesday evening along part of the Russian River in Sonoma County as ... Heights were rising to moderate flood stage, expected by Tuesday night.
They talked about the fighting in Ukraine, of course. But the U.S. and Russian presidents also chatted about improving ...
A s Tropical Cyclone Alfred lifted its lethal skirts this week from the battered river township of Lismore in far northern ...
IT’S NOW BELOW FLOOD STAGE AT 22.31. FALLING PRETTY QUICKLY. AS A MATTER OF FACT, IT’S LIKELY GOING TO BE NEAR NORMAL POOL The flood warning on the Ohio River in Louisville has been canceled ...
Several leaders from Lake and Sonoma counties remain worried about the future of local water supplies as a key PG&E ...
A Flood Warning is in effect for the Ohio River at Cincinnati.The Ohio River has been rising and crested just shy of moderate flood stage by Wednesday evening at 55.4 feet. The flood warning is ...
has terminated a flood watch for the Grand River watershed, but warns water levels are higher than normal. The GRCA says that while there won't be significant flooding, the rain has left water ...
The river reached the highest level in several years. The Ohio River hit a crest of 28.3 feet Thursday afternoon, swelling into the Louisville area following Kentucky's heavy rains and upstream ...
A flood storage area is a site where water can be diverted from a river and safely stored during periods of prolonged and ...
Because the roads were too bad, and we're not taking a chance there," said Lanham.The river is predicted to crest early Friday and then steadily decline, falling below flood stage sometime ...