Civil rights icon Ruby Bridges says she may not have made it through her first year of integrating her all-white public elementary school in 1960, if not for a first grade teacher who became her ...
Path to Integration Before a first-grader named Ruby Bridges entered that school, the state of Louisiana had tried to stop her and other black students from enrolling in all-white schools.
Bridges' latest book details her reunion with educator Barbara Henry. Civil rights activist Ruby Bridges shares insights from her latest book, "Ruby Bridges: A Talk With My Teacher." She reflects ...
Ruby Bridges, who in November 1960 became the first Black student to integrate at her all-white New Orleans public elementary school when she was only six years old, joins TODAY to share her new ...
The Story of Ruby Bridges” took a walk to put themselves in her shoes. On November 14, 1960, 6-year-old Ruby Bridges was the first black child to attend the white only “William Frantz ...
On that job, he met a deputy, a black man, who had been with Ruby Bridges, the bravest little girl in the world, when she walked to school in New Orleans in 1960. It was the event memorialized by ...
Bridges made history at 6-years-old when she walked into an all-White grade school in Louisiana, surrounded by federal ...