Iowa’s birds can be traced back to a wind storm in 1901 that damaged William Benton’s private game farm in Cedar Falls, ...
The right choke for pheasant hunting will help you put enough pellets in a ringneck’s vitals to drop the bird immediately. Pheasants are big, tough birds, often shot going away, at distances ...
Successful applicants will receive a permit, rules, and a hunting area map. Permits are offered for mourning dove, quail, ...
The Upland Slam challenges hunters to harvest a ring-necked pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse, greater prairie-chicken and northern bobwhite quail in Nebraska during the season.
His skepticism quickly turned to excitement upon arriving at the reported location and seeing the large, majestic, ...
Madness isn't just about college basketball. For the third consecutive year, High School on SI will run an NCAA ...
At the time, Iowa’s countryside consisted of too-wet-to-farm sloughs and small farms, with a patchwork of corn, oats, hay, pasture and beet fields, which was a perfect match for the ring-necked ...
Still ice, but anglers are going to have to choose spots wisely Well, that was fast. Little more than two weeks of some of the best winter conditions for snow […] ...
Yetter, an Illinois native and recent graduate of North Dakota State University earned his Master of Science in Natural Resource Management, focusing his thesis on the Seasonal Ecology of Ring-necked ...
These hardy birds are slightly larger than California Quail, and a little smaller than Ring-necked Pheasants. They are able to thrive in very rugged, remote areas as long as they have some access to ...