A prominent Fulton Market retail corner where Raising Cane's is set to open a restaurant this summer is up for sale.
Cane’s is climbing the list towards a Top 10 U.S. Restaurant Brand faster than anticipated thanks to its great crew and ...
Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers has revised its plans for entering the Long Island market again but is still planning a 2026 ...
Raising Cane's needs to appear before the Watchung Planning Board again on April 15th for approval to build a new restaurant.
Raising Cane's is selling a limited-edition golden plush puppy, with proceeds going to the Wisconsin Humane Society ...
The popular fast-food restaurant Raising Canes has expressed plans to expand the chain to new locations in Michigan, namely ...
In 2019, the trio struck a deal with Wetzel’s Pretzels co-founder and former CEO Bill Phelps to begin franchising the Dave’s ...
This new weekly column about emerging chains won't only be about chicken concepts. But there's no avoiding the fact that ...
Not all fast food was created equal, and we happen to think Southern fast-food restaurants have a leg up on the rest of the ...
If you suddenly get hungry, where do you go? Of course, there is a chance that you will go to some gourmet restaurant, but ...