Kiambu CFA delegate Douglas Wafula, KFS chief conservator Alex Lemarkoko, Asili Sacco chairman Evans Kegode and CEO Grace Alinyo water a tree in Karura Forest /GILBERT KOECHThe indigenous trees in ...
In the Western Ghats, the vibrant Indian Giant Malabar Squirrel leaps through treetops, aiding seed dispersal and forest growth — a true ecosystem guardian.
It is a rapidly growing deciduous tree native to both northeast and central China, as well as Taiwan. It grows almost anywhere including the side of roadways, railways, fencerows, and in forest ...
Blossoming across the eastern U.S. in spring, redbud trees were notably important during the settlement of the Appalachian ...
A forest with high tree-species diversity is better at buffering heat peaks in summer and cold peaks in winter than a forest ...