The mum, formerly Eileen De Bont, changed her name to Pudsey Bear in 2009 to raise money for Children in Need (Picture: Rebecca Mckevitt/SWNS) A woman who officially changed her name to Pudsey ...
“We just hit it off right away,” says Orange. “We came to each other as admirers of each other’s work, but actually becoming friends happened very organically. We never told the other pers ...
More than just an arena, KidsFest is an experience like no other! Step into the heart of KidsFest at Pudsey's Spot, where the magic happens! This vibrant hub is packed with fun for the whole family, ...
A full liquid diet includes foods like yogurt, strained soups, dairy, dairy alternatives, fruit juice, and more. The diet is made up of only fluids and foods that are usually liquid, as well as foods ...