Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Micrometer-sized, flower-shaped structures made of a nickel-iron alloy can locally enhance magnetic fields by concentrating field lines at their center. The ...
Back in 1832, the celebrated British physicist, Michael Faraday, carried out a set of experiments designed to answer a tantalizing question: could electricity be generated by Earth's rotation through ...
The Polar League saw its best track and field athletes head to Superior Friday afternoon for day one of the conference’s meet. In the boys 60 meters, Layne Radzak of Moose Lake/Willow River took ...
An open-transmit and 24-channel flexible receiver head coil enhances ultrahigh-field fMRI, enabling sub-millimeter resolution for somatosensory and motor cortex mapping, advancing neuroscience and ...
Abstract: Polar spots are often observed on rapidly-rotating cool stars, but the nature of the magnetic field in these spots is as yet unknown. While Zeeman–Doppler imaging can provide surface ...
Electric and magnetic fields are important factors to be considered when designing transmission lines. They occur in nature and have become much more prevalent in our everyday lives through man-made ...