A law professor believes that there may be room for conservative judges to end birthright citizenship for the children of ...
First introduced in 1923, the Equal Rights Amendment has met the requirements for ratification. But its constitutionality is ...
That includes the 14th Amendment, which states ... used to argue in favor of the "separate but equal" decision in Plessy v. Ferguson. Other arguments against the ERA include the potential ...
Notwithstanding its striking contradictions and socio-political challenges, the United States, a foundation UN member, ...
If the administration's birthright citizenship executive order is implemented, "there will be a new kind of stratification" ...
The language echoes that associated with the 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson ... worried the bill violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.
The language echoes that associated with the 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson ... worried the bill violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.
“Since Congress ratified the 14 th Amendment, there have been forces ... forced to face but have somehow survived. “After Plessy v. Ferguson was struck down in 1954 by the Supreme Court ...