In NYC, spring kicks off tree pollen season, followed by grass pollen in the summer and weed pollen in the late summer and ...
Dust and pet dander are common triggers for allergic asthma. Learn which indoor allergens trigger allergic asthma and how to ...
With warm spring coming, the number of outings is increasing. However, it is at this time that allergic diseases are as ...
Though there is no official cure for hay fever, there are steps you can take to reduce the symptoms. Head to your local GP ...
Asthma is caused by a combination of factors. People who develop asthma may have a genetic predisposition and react to ...
Learn life-saving techniques to manage an asthma attack when your inhaler isn't available, from breathing methods to ...
Springlike weather has arrived, and with it, the start of the extended allergy season across the United States, which will last throughout the summer. And it could be a bad year for millions from the ...
A leading hay fever expert says the majority of sufferers don't seek help or know how to treat it properly, but a new trial ...
“Wash duvets every six months, or more frequently if you have allergies or pets,” says Louisa. “Most synthetic and some down or feather duvets can be machine-washed at home or at a launderette. If you ...
Bacteria have mostly been portrayed as villains that make us sick, but the Human Microbiome Project showed that we share our body with an astounding number of bacteria.