PEOPLE shares an intimate first look at Shriver's new book of poetry, 'I Am Maria,' revealing her feelings as she navigated ...
The Evanston Public Library has named The Great Lakes: our Freshwater Treasure, written by Barb Rosenstock, illustrated by ...
After a nearly three-month delay, the Bavarian Blast Waterpark in Frankenmuth had its soft opening on Friday, March 21.
SAGINAW, Mich. (WNEM) - The Saginaw Children’s Zoo has announced the names the public voted on for its two baby African penguins. The votes are in, and the penguins are named Eggs Benedict and Quiche.
The African Penguin chicks at the Saginaw Children's Zoo were named after a poll was held. With 679 votes, the winning names ...
Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who has faced intense scrutiny since joining the court, says she will make the judicial process ...
In the run-up to the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, members of the kids’ publishing community who will descend upon the Fiere ...
Mallory Loehr, executive vice-president and publisher, Random House Books for Young Readers Group, has been appointed ...
The awards table at Thursday night's Evanston Public Library Blueberry Awards. A little snow didn’t keep away fans of ...
A lot of us had those clubs and hobbies that truly changed our lives. For one girl, a theatre group in middle Tennessee has ...
Hundreds of local primary school children brought stories to life as they celebrated World Book Day with a fun-filled adventure inspired by Nadia Shireen’s Billy and the Dragon.
CR has a brimming publishing slate this year, and cofounder Liam O'Brien — a self-professed book nerd — is leading the push.