It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
Long before the first airplanes took to the skies, humans had already overcome gravity with the help of airships. Starting ...
Subject to the required approvals, M2M Ferries is getting ready to start a Mumbai-Goa RoPAX ferry service that will enable passengers to travel with their cars in 6.5 hours. The business is in the ...
As for passenger ships operating between Mumbai ... In the 1990s, Damania Shipping operated a hovercraft from Ferry Wharf to Panaji and back. The vessel used to depart at 6 am and arrive in ...
The hovercraft in Dover arriving on its final ... Father-of-three Alan Decabral was sitting in the passenger seat of a black Peugeot 205 waiting for his son at Warren Retail Park in Simone Weil ...
Following extensive work by its operations teams and the significant efforts of local authorities, waterways infrastructures ...
M2M Ferries plans to launch a Mumbai-Goa RoPAX service, allowing passengers to travel with their cars in 6.5 hours, pending approvals.
There are also three ISOFIX attachment points for child seats; two on the rear seat and one on the front passenger seat ... and on the freeway it feels like a hovercraft. Lexus makes a lot of noise ...
But ferry travel isn’t only a mode of transport, it’s also an experience. So for example, travelling on the only scheduled passenger hovercraft service in Europe from Southsea to the Isle of Wight, or ...