The U.S. hasn't seen a major realignment of state boundaries since the Civil War. It's unlikely to happen now.
Proponents say they have more in common with their rural brethren across state lines than they do with urbanites in Chicago and Portland, Oregon ... Chicago’s Cook County to form a new state.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife's latest wolf activity map shows movement stretching to the Wyoming and Utah state lines ... Moffat County south of Craig. A released female wolf from Oregon continues ...
Thanks at least in part to a wandering wolf recently transplanted to Colorado, much of Mesa County ... map shows wolf activity in watersheds west of Grand Junction that border the Utah state line.
Approximate location of milepost 21 on Siletz River Highway/Google Maps Authorities, including members of the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office, Siletz Valley Fire, Oregon ... Tip Line at 541-265 ...
The new maps ... line, some requirements could be added. “We don’t know exactly what that’s going to look like yet because state-level regulations are still be finalized,” said Sonoma ...
“We’ve got our own smaller maps that we’re using compared to ... Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Lincoln County Tip Line at 541.265.0669.
A "dynamic" weather system sparked a "historic" tornado outbreak across the U.S. and has already left 16 people dead.
Though differing in some details, it is set up along the lines of existing laws ... was committee testimony from a judge of Oregon’s Court of Appeals, Ramon Pagan. Before his current posting, he was a ...
Driving into town, you’ll cross the impressive Astoria-Megler Bridge, a 4.1-mile-long structure that connects Oregon to ...