The 3.5 billion-year-old crater discovered in Australia may be the cradle of life. Earth's oldest-known crater discovered is ...
Up for a challenge? If skies are clear, you may be able to complete a rare feat of visual athletics this coming weekend, and ...
Spring officially begins today (March 20) with the vernal equinox, bringing longer days and warmer temperatures to the ...
The exact timing of the equinoxes changes from year to year, but in 2025, the northern hemisphere's Vernal (Spring) Equinox ...
When the North Pole tilts toward the sun ... journey through the constellations of the zodiac carries it across the celestial equator," according to the statement from
On Thursday, March 20, the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator ... As our slanted homeworld travels along its orbit, with its north pole always pointed towards the star Polaris, that 23.4 degree ...
This phenomenon occurs twice a year, with the vernal equinox marking the onset of spring. At 5:01 a.m. EST (0901 GMT) on March 20, the sun crosses the celestial equator, moving from the Southern ...