It is no strange sight to see icebergs break off of the Antarctic ice cap and drift away ... But as the air and ocean around the South Pole have warmed over the past few decades, icebergs calve ...
The expedition aimed to make the first land crossing of the Antarctic continent ... the Pole in the summer of 1915/16. Luck was however against them. Held up in the ice they could only drift ...
These giant continental pileups are called supercontinents ... over the course of hundreds of millions of years the tectonic plates drift apart and then back together again to form supercontinents.
the Australian continent is going to collide with Asia.” He explained that this movement follows a natural cycle in which continents drift apart and later merge again — a process that has ...
Australia is migrating north towards Asia ... and variety of the continent in ways that may have lasting consequences. Overall, Australia's gradual drift towards Asia is a geological process ...
The North Pole City Council adopted a resolution Monday in a 5-1 vote expressing official support for a Jackson Hole, Wyoming, company’s interest to plant roots in the community. The resolution ...
Why bother having a window if you're just going to drift till you can't see out of it? Maybe winter testing inspired that design. After a full day of making abstract art in snowbanks, we had a ...
The North Pole is designed for year-round expeditions in northern latitudes of the Arctic Ocean. It does not require icebreakers to get to the work site, to drift for up to two years and then to ...
Sweden is about the same size as California and a similar shape too, long and thin. From Volvo's/Polestar's headquarters in the southwestern metropolis of Gothenburg, it's about a 17-hour drive to the ...
In case you are wondering, this process is called continental drift, where tectonic plates move beneath the earth’s surface. In the process of Australia moving upwards, it is already colliding with ...