The storm hit in September of last year. Since then, TDOT’s Mark Nagi said, the state has been rushing to get storm-damaged ...
The bridge at U.S. Highway 52 over Motor Road in Winston-Salem is one of nearly 1,200 structures in Forsyth, Davie, Davidson, ...
Drivers can detour the closure by taking Sea Mountain Highway to Morgan Avenue to 5th Avenue North, or those roads in reverse ...
The N.C. Department of Transportation will present plans next week for reconstructing these roads that run through two river ...
Creek and environmental cleanups reveal a growing plastic problem that advocates say lawmakers can no longer ignore.
How S.T. Wooten’s crews applied intelligence and expertise to reach the finish line on a major road widening project.
North Carolina Supreme Court will take another look at cases springing from the Map Act. That now-repealed state law allowed ...
The North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Division of Aviation awarded grants to twelve airports across the state.
Portions of Interstate 85 and Interstate 40 will be closed this week in Durham so contractors can repair potholes.
The planned interchange project for Blue Ridge Road and I-40 in Black Mountain has been impacted by Tropical Storm Helene.
North Carolina's Garrett A. Morgan Page Program for high schoolers is delayed, with no new start date announced.
According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, the crash happened at mile marker 18 Sunday morning just before ...