They found that organoids from 15–16 GWs samples cultured in standard adult media only ... underscoring a key difference between human and mouse pancreatic development. This tripotent progenitor ...
Microscope image of mouse pancreatic tissue, with insulin-producing tissue marked in brown. Early-life exposure to a specific gut microbe appears to boost growth of insulin-producing tissue, the new ...
Murine study identifies critical neonatal window when microbiota disruption results in lifelong metabolic consequences stemming from reduced β cell development.
Using Heidenhain-pouch dogs 15 to test for the presence of substances that stimulate acid secretion, we studied various pancreatic tissue samples taken from dogs and from human subjects.
A study from the University of Utah Health suggests early antibiotic use may disrupt insulin-producing beta cells, increasing ...
During a routine examination of our department's animal husbandry unit, we found a female Swiss albino mouse with an extremely ... Tissue sections were prepared from samples of fixed tissue ...