Dressed in a period civilian flight instructor uniform, Chuck Workman of Lakewood, California, at right, watches a B-25 ...
SHREVEPORT, La. - Rare and historic World War II aircraft are on display and available for tours at Shreveport Downtown ...
SHREVEPORT, La. - Rare and historic World War II aircrafts are on display and available for tours at Shreveport Downtown ...
The Arkansas Air and Military Museum will display two historic WWII aircraft this weekend: the C-47A Skytrain That’s All, ...
Dressed in a period civilian flight instructor uniform, Chuck Workman of Lakewood, California, at right, watches a B-25 Mitchell bomber that was part of a fly-in at Eagle Field in Dos Palos in ...
The museum is set to host the Warbirds, Wings and Wheels event Saturday and Sunday featuring the Skytrain and a North American B-25 Mitchell bomber in addition to a classic car show. Click here to ...
Crew member Chuck Enoch sits in the pilots seat while a B-25 Mitchell bomber that was part of a fly-in at Eagle Field in Dos Palos is towed into position on the tarmac after landing in June 2007.
Aviation enthusiasts are to be offered a rare chance to fly on a vintage Ford Tri-Motor airliner dating back to the 1930s.