Supernova debris speeds up neutron stars, strengthening magnetic fields. This explains why low-intensity magnetars still produce bursts.
Abstract: Dipole magnets with higher magnetic fields can contribute to further improving the performance of future accelerators. Using high-temperature superconducting (HTS) materials and ...
Previous research has held that a dipole magnetic field, similar to that of a bar magnet, was key for these strange sounds to emerge. But now, researchers have detected similar waves lasting a ...
Bar magnet, bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid (qualitative treatment only), magnetic field intensity due to a magnetic dipole (bar magnet) along its axis and perpendicular to its axis ...
Eerie bird sounds are coming from space – and astronomers finally understand why - Energy waves behind the chirping sound thought to play key role in formation of pulsating auroras ...
Multiferroic materials, in which electric and magnetic properties are combined in promising ways, will be the heart of new ...
They are usually detected in areas of space where Earth’s magnetic field resembles that of a giant bar magnet (a dipole), out to around 51,000 km above Earth’s surface, beyond geostationary ...
Abstract: The Canted-Cosine-Theta (CCT) magnet is known for generating high-quality ... We introduce a discrete winding scheme of line currents for a dipole on a conical surface and provide the ...
placed tiny magnetic objects in the human body and measured the position and pointing of the magnets through a magnetic field vector ... 15, the gradient tensor G of the magnetic dipole field is given ...
A new trick for illuminating the internal ordering within a special type of magnet could help engineers build better ...