Matt Damon almost walked out on playing the most iconic role of his career because the studio changed the script before shooting began, and he hated it.
Jason Bateman just shared a behind-the-scenes tidbit about one of Massachusetts' favorite movie star sons. Bateman, while on ...
Arrested Development star Jason Bateman revealed Matt Damon's pitch for him to play his character Michael Bluth for the film version.
Directed by Oscar-winning Christopher Nolan, the shooting of "Odyssey" begins in Voidokoilia and Nestor's cave, with a number ...
His newest blockbuster is no different. Nolan is following up the Oscar-winning Oppenheimer with an adaptation of the ancient ...
Jason Bateman reveals interesting details about Matt Damon's interest in Arrested Development, while remembering the film ...
For top-earning stars like Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds, appearing in movies is one of many ways they reel in their ...