Where the Earth’s core meets the mantle, there are two giant regions that have baffled geologists for fifty years. A new ...
These results suggest that similar reactions between helium and iron may have occurred within Earth’s core shortly after its formation, trapping much of the primordial helium-3 in the material that ...
A new study of decades worth of seismogram data shows that the surface of Earth’s iron and nickel core is more malleable than ...
A new study has revealed that two continent-sized regions in Earth's deep mantle have distinctive histories and resulting ...
Giant regions of the mantle where seismic waves slow down may have formed from subducted ocean crust, a new study finds.
The next layer is the mantle, which makes up most of Earth's volume and is composed of dense, semi-solid rock. Then there is the outer core, made of liquid metal, and the inner core, a solid ball of ...
The planet's internal structure comprises four layers: a rocky crust on the outside, then a rocky mantle, an outer core made of magma and a solid inner core. This metallic inner core, about 1,500 ...
Iron can form compounds with helium at pressures as low as 5GPa – about 50,000 atmospheres – researchers in Japan report.
Well, the verdict is in. The Moon is not made of green cheese after all.
Scientists have revealed that two continent-size regions in Earth's deep mantle have distinctive histories and resulting chemical composition, in contrast to the common assumption they are the same.